
Our products are great food,
great taste!

Taste experiences without

Til feinschmeckerne derude som ved, hvad de leder efter,
og hvad deres gæster fortjener. Noget ekstraordinært.
Noget der får smagsløgene til at synge, og dine øjne til at rulle
bagover – på en god måde.
Our products are great food,
great taste!

Taste experiences without

For the connoisseurs out there who know what they are looking for and what their guests deserve. Something extraordinary. Something that makes your taste buds sing and your eyes roll back – in a good way.

Our products are great food,
great taste!

uden grænser

For the connoisseurs out there who know what they are looking for and what their guests deserve. Something extraordinary. Something that makes your taste buds sing and your eyes roll back – in a good way.

Our products are great food,
great taste!

uden grænser

For the connoisseurs out there who know what they are looking for and what their guests deserve. Something extraordinary. Something that makes your taste buds sing and your eyes roll back – in a good way.

Our products are great food,
great taste!

Taste experiences without

For the connoisseurs out there who know what they are looking for and what their guests deserve. Something extraordinary. Something that makes your taste buds sing and your eyes roll back – in a good way.

Our products are great food,
great taste!

Taste experiences without

Til feinschmeckerne derude som ved, hvad de leder efter,
og hvad deres gæster fortjener. Noget ekstraordinært.
Noget der får smagsløgene til at synge, og dine øjne til at rulle
bagover – på en god måde.

Want to taste something different?

We import products from other countries and then deliver them directly to you. No matter wherever you are or where the product comes from.

Gourmet with a global perspective

Discover extraordinary culinary experiences with our gourmet selection, which draws inspiration from all over the world. We present a world of flavor nuances that will pamper your senses and add a global twist to your gastronomic journey.

You’ve been looking for it

Our service is for bringing luxurious products to you and your guests. We welcome inquiries and make sure to add specialties to your everyday life, that you haven't tried before.

Shipments with care

With our service, we pick up your packages from different countries and send them in one assembled shipment over longer distances to reduce shipping costs as much as possible.

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Who are we?

Gomé is an online service that delivers gourmet goods and in-demand products to customers in their home country. Gomé imports these products from other countries and then deliver them directly to the customer's door. We are a start-up that aims to make it easier for people to get the products they want, regardless of the unavailability of those products in their home country.

Our goal is to become a household name for catering to connoisseurs' needs, as well as introducing new trends in food and beverages through our wide selection of both local favorites and exotic imports. We believe that we can make this happen by providing exceptional customer service and delivering only quality products at reasonable prices. 

Want to taste something different?

Do you dream of experiencing flavors from around the world? At Gomé you can get the best of the best delivered directly to your door! Our selection of gourmet products and specialties is carefully selected to satisfy every taste. From the finest wines to the most exotic spices - we have it all! So why go abroad when you can experience the flavors at home? Visit our website today and let us take you on a culinary journey!
